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new F(); }; } ( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var ElevateZoom = { init: function ( options, elem ) { var self = this; self.elem = elem; self.$elem = $( elem ); self.imageSrc = self.$elem.data( "zoom-image" ) ? self.$elem.data( "zoom-image" ) : self.$elem.attr( "src" ); self.options = $.extend( { }, $.fn.elevateZoom.options, options ); //TINT OVERRIDE SETTINGS if ( self.options.tint ) { self.options.lensColour = "none", //colour of the lens background self.options.lensOpacity = "1" //opacity of the lens } //INNER OVERRIDE SETTINGS if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.options.showLens = false; } //Remove alt on hover self.$elem.parent().removeAttr( 'title' ).removeAttr( 'alt' ); self.zoomImage = self.imageSrc; self.refresh( 1 ); //Create the image swap from the gallery $( '#' + self.options.gallery + ' a' ).click( function ( e ) { //Set a class on the currently active gallery image if ( self.options.galleryActiveClass ) { $( '#' + self.options.gallery + ' a' ).removeClass( self.options.galleryActiveClass ); $( this ).addClass( self.options.galleryActiveClass ); } //stop any link on the a tag from working e.preventDefault(); //call the swap image function if ( $( this ).data( "zoom-image" ) ) { self.zoomImagePre = $( this ).data( "zoom-image" ) } else { self.zoomImagePre = $( this ).data( "image" ); } self.swaptheimage( $( this ).data( "image" ), self.zoomImagePre ); return false; } ); }, refresh: function ( length ) { var self = this; setTimeout( function () { self.fetch( self.imageSrc ); }, length || self.options.refresh ); }, fetch: function ( imgsrc ) { //get the image var self = this; var newImg = new Image(); newImg.onload = function () { //set the large image dimensions - used to calculte ratio's self.largeWidth = newImg.width; self.largeHeight = newImg.height; //once image is loaded start the calls self.startZoom(); self.currentImage = self.imageSrc; //let caller know image has been loaded self.options.onZoomedImageLoaded( self.$elem ); } newImg.src = imgsrc; // this must be done AFTER setting onload return; }, startZoom: function ( ) { var self = this; //get dimensions of the non zoomed image self.nzWidth = self.$elem.width(); self.nzHeight = self.$elem.height(); //activated elements self.isWindowActive = false; self.isLensActive = false; self.isTintActive = false; self.overWindow = false; //CrossFade Wrappe if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { self.zoomWrap = self.$elem.wrap( '
' ); self.$elem.css( 'position', 'absolute' ); } self.zoomLock = 1; self.scrollingLock = false; self.changeBgSize = false; self.currentZoomLevel = self.options.zoomLevel; //get offset of the non zoomed image self.nzOffset = self.$elem.offset(); //calculate the width ratio of the large/small image self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / self.currentZoomLevel ) / self.nzWidth; self.heightRatio = ( self.largeHeight / self.currentZoomLevel ) / self.nzHeight; //if window zoom if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.zoomWindowStyle = "overflow: hidden;" + "background-position: 0px 0px;text-align:center;" + "background-color: " + String( self.options.zoomWindowBgColour ) + ";width: " + String( self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) + "px;" + "height: " + String( self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) + "px;float: left;" + "background-size: " + self.largeWidth / self.currentZoomLevel + "px " + self.largeHeight / self.currentZoomLevel + "px;" + "display: none;z-index:100;" + "border: " + String( self.options.borderSize ) + "px solid " + self.options.borderColour + ";background-repeat: no-repeat;" + "position: absolute;"; } //if inner zoom if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { //has a border been put on the image? Lets cater for this var borderWidth = self.$elem.css( "border-left-width" ); self.zoomWindowStyle = "overflow: hidden;" + "margin-left: " + String( borderWidth ) + ";" + "margin-top: " + String( borderWidth ) + ";" + "background-position: 0px 0px;" + "width: " + String( self.nzWidth ) + "px;" + "height: " + String( self.nzHeight ) + "px;" + "px;float: left;" + "display: none;" + "cursor:" + ( self.options.cursor ) + ";" + "px solid " + self.options.borderColour + ";background-repeat: no-repeat;" + "position: absolute;"; } //lens style for window zoom if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { // adjust images less than the window height if ( self.nzHeight < self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) { lensHeight = self.nzHeight; } else { lensHeight = String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.heightRatio ) ) } if ( self.largeWidth < self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) { lensWidth = self.nzWidth; } else { lensWidth = ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ); } self.lensStyle = "background-position: 0px 0px;width: " + String( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) / self.widthRatio ) + "px;height: " + String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) / self.heightRatio ) + "px;float: right;display: none;" + "overflow: hidden;" + "z-index: 999;" + "-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);" + "opacity:" + ( self.options.lensOpacity ) + ";filter: alpha(opacity = " + ( self.options.lensOpacity * 100 ) + "); zoom:1;" + "width:" + lensWidth + "px;" + "height:" + lensHeight + "px;" + "background-color:" + ( self.options.lensColour ) + ";" + "cursor:" + ( self.options.cursor ) + ";" + "border: " + ( self.options.lensBorderSize ) + "px" + " solid " + ( self.options.lensBorderColour ) + ";background-repeat: no-repeat;position: absolute;"; } //tint style self.tintStyle = "display: block;" + "position: absolute;" + "background-color: " + self.options.tintColour + ";" + "filter:alpha(opacity=0);" + "opacity: 0;" + "width: " + self.nzWidth + "px;" + "height: " + self.nzHeight + "px;" ; //lens style for lens zoom with optional round for modern browsers self.lensRound = ''; if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.lensStyle = "background-position: 0px 0px;" + "float: left;display: none;" + "border: " + String( self.options.borderSize ) + "px solid " + self.options.borderColour + ";" + "width:" + String( self.options.lensSize ) + "px;" + "height:" + String( self.options.lensSize ) + "px;" + "background-repeat: no-repeat;position: absolute;"; } //does not round in all browsers if ( self.options.lensShape == "round" ) { self.lensRound = "border-top-left-radius: " + String( self.options.lensSize / 2 + self.options.borderSize ) + "px;" + "border-top-right-radius: " + String( self.options.lensSize / 2 + self.options.borderSize ) + "px;" + "border-bottom-left-radius: " + String( self.options.lensSize / 2 + self.options.borderSize ) + "px;" + "border-bottom-right-radius: " + String( self.options.lensSize / 2 + self.options.borderSize ) + "px;"; } //create the div's + "" //self.zoomContainer = $('
').addClass('zoomContainer').css({"position":"relative", "height":self.nzHeight, "width":self.nzWidth}); self.zoomContainer = $( '
' ); $( 'body' ).append( self.zoomContainer ); //this will add overflow hidden and contrain the lens on lens mode if ( self.options.containLensZoom && self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomContainer.css( "overflow", "hidden" ); } if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.zoomLens = $( "
" ) .appendTo( self.zoomContainer ) .click( function () { self.$elem.trigger( 'click' ); } ); if ( self.options.tint ) { self.tintContainer = $( '
' ).addClass( 'tintContainer' ); self.zoomTint = $( "
" ); self.zoomLens.wrap( self.tintContainer ); self.zoomTintcss = self.zoomLens.after( self.zoomTint ); //if tint enabled - set an image to show over the tint self.zoomTintImage = $( '' ) .appendTo( self.zoomLens ) .click( function () { self.$elem.trigger( 'click' ); } ); } } //create zoom window if ( isNaN( self.options.zoomWindowPosition ) ) { self.zoomWindow = $( "
" ) .appendTo( 'body' ) .click( function () { self.$elem.trigger( 'click' ); } ); } else { self.zoomWindow = $( "
" ) .appendTo( self.zoomContainer ) .click( function () { self.$elem.trigger( 'click' ); } ); } self.zoomWindowContainer = $( '
' ).addClass( 'zoomWindowContainer' ).css( "width", self.options.zoomWindowWidth ); self.zoomWindow.wrap( self.zoomWindowContainer ); // self.captionStyle = "text-align: left;background-color: black;color: white;font-weight: bold;padding: 10px;font-family: sans-serif;font-size: 11px"; // self.zoomCaption = $('
').appendTo(self.zoomWindow.parent()); if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + self.imageSrc + "')" } ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + self.imageSrc + "')" } ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + self.imageSrc + "')" } ); } /*-------------------END THE ZOOM WINDOW AND LENS----------------------------------*/ //touch events self.$elem.bind( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; self.setPosition( touch ); } ); self.zoomContainer.bind( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.showHideWindow( "show" ); } e.preventDefault(); var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; self.setPosition( touch ); } ); self.zoomContainer.bind( 'touchend', function ( e ) { self.showHideWindow( "hide" ); if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.showHideLens( "hide" ); } if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.showHideTint( "hide" ); } } ); self.$elem.bind( 'touchend', function ( e ) { self.showHideWindow( "hide" ); if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.showHideLens( "hide" ); } if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.showHideTint( "hide" ); } } ); if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.zoomLens.bind( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; self.setPosition( touch ); } ); self.zoomLens.bind( 'touchend', function ( e ) { self.showHideWindow( "hide" ); if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.showHideLens( "hide" ); } if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.showHideTint( "hide" ); } } ); } //Needed to work in IE self.$elem.bind( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { if ( self.overWindow == false ) { self.setElements( "show" ); } //make sure on orientation change the setposition is not fired if ( self.lastX !== e.clientX || self.lastY !== e.clientY ) { self.setPosition( e ); self.currentLoc = e; } self.lastX = e.clientX; self.lastY = e.clientY; } ); self.zoomContainer.bind( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { if ( self.overWindow == false ) { self.setElements( "show" ); } //make sure on orientation change the setposition is not fired if ( self.lastX !== e.clientX || self.lastY !== e.clientY ) { self.setPosition( e ); self.currentLoc = e; } self.lastX = e.clientX; self.lastY = e.clientY; } ); if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.zoomLens.bind( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { //make sure on orientation change the setposition is not fired if ( self.lastX !== e.clientX || self.lastY !== e.clientY ) { self.setPosition( e ); self.currentLoc = e; } self.lastX = e.clientX; self.lastY = e.clientY; } ); } if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.zoomTint.bind( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { //make sure on orientation change the setposition is not fired if ( self.lastX !== e.clientX || self.lastY !== e.clientY ) { self.setPosition( e ); self.currentLoc = e; } self.lastX = e.clientX; self.lastY = e.clientY; } ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWindow.bind( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { //self.overWindow = true; //make sure on orientation change the setposition is not fired if ( self.lastX !== e.clientX || self.lastY !== e.clientY ) { self.setPosition( e ); self.currentLoc = e; } self.lastX = e.clientX; self.lastY = e.clientY; } ); } // lensFadeOut: 500, zoomTintFadeIn self.zoomContainer.add( self.$elem ).mouseenter( function () { if ( self.overWindow == false ) { self.setElements( "show" ); } } ).mouseleave( function () { if ( !self.scrollLock ) { self.setElements( "hide" ); self.options.onDestroy( self.$elem ); } } ); //end ove image if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.zoomWindow.mouseenter( function () { self.overWindow = true; self.setElements( "hide" ); } ).mouseleave( function () { self.overWindow = false; } ); } //end ove image // var delta = parseInt(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta || -e.originalEvent.detail); // $(this).empty(); // return false; //fix for initial zoom setting if ( self.options.zoomLevel != 1 ) { // self.changeZoomLevel(self.currentZoomLevel); } //set the min zoomlevel if ( self.options.minZoomLevel ) { self.minZoomLevel = self.options.minZoomLevel; } else { self.minZoomLevel = self.options.scrollZoomIncrement * 2; } if ( self.options.scrollZoom ) { self.zoomContainer.add( self.$elem ).bind( 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll', function ( e ) { // in IE there is issue with firing of mouseleave - So check whether still scrolling // and on mouseleave check if scrolllock self.scrollLock = true; clearTimeout( $.data( this, 'timer' ) ); $.data( this, 'timer', setTimeout( function () { self.scrollLock = false; //do something }, 250 ) ); var theEvent = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta || e.originalEvent.detail * -1 //this.scrollTop += ( delta < 0 ? 1 : -1 ) * 30; // e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if ( theEvent / 120 > 0 ) { //scrolling up if ( self.currentZoomLevel >= self.minZoomLevel ) { self.changeZoomLevel( self.currentZoomLevel - self.options.scrollZoomIncrement ); } } else { //scrolling down if ( self.options.maxZoomLevel ) { if ( self.currentZoomLevel <= self.options.maxZoomLevel ) { self.changeZoomLevel( parseFloat( self.currentZoomLevel ) + self.options.scrollZoomIncrement ); } } else { //andy self.changeZoomLevel( parseFloat( self.currentZoomLevel ) + self.options.scrollZoomIncrement ); } } return false; } ); } }, setElements: function ( type ) { var self = this; if ( !self.options.zoomEnabled ) { return false; } if ( type == "show" ) { if ( self.isWindowSet ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.showHideWindow( "show" ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.showHideWindow( "show" ); } if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.showHideLens( "show" ); } if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.showHideTint( "show" ); } } } if ( type == "hide" ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.showHideWindow( "hide" ); } if ( !self.options.tint ) { self.showHideWindow( "hide" ); } if ( self.options.showLens ) { self.showHideLens( "hide" ); } if ( self.options.tint ) { self.showHideTint( "hide" ); } } }, setPosition: function ( e ) { var self = this; if ( !self.options.zoomEnabled ) { return false; } //recaclc offset each time in case the image moves //this can be caused by other on page elements self.nzHeight = self.$elem.height(); self.nzWidth = self.$elem.width(); self.nzOffset = self.$elem.offset(); if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.zoomTint.css( { top: 0 } ); self.zoomTint.css( { left: 0 } ); } //set responsive //will checking if the image needs changing before running this code work faster? if ( self.options.responsive && !self.options.scrollZoom ) { if ( self.options.showLens ) { if ( self.nzHeight < self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) { lensHeight = self.nzHeight; } else { lensHeight = String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.heightRatio ) ) } if ( self.largeWidth < self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) { lensWidth = self.nzWidth; } else { lensWidth = ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ); } self.widthRatio = self.largeWidth / self.nzWidth; self.heightRatio = self.largeHeight / self.nzHeight; if ( self.options.zoomType != "lens" ) { //possibly dont need to keep recalcalculating //if the lens is heigher than the image, then set lens size to image size if ( self.nzHeight < self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) { lensHeight = self.nzHeight; } else { lensHeight = String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.heightRatio ) ) } if ( self.nzWidth < self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.heightRatio ) { lensWidth = self.nzWidth; } else { lensWidth = String( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) ); } self.zoomLens.css( 'width', lensWidth ); self.zoomLens.css( 'height', lensHeight ); if ( self.options.tint ) { self.zoomTintImage.css( 'width', self.nzWidth ); self.zoomTintImage.css( 'height', self.nzHeight ); } } if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { width: String( self.options.lensSize ) + 'px', height: String( self.options.lensSize ) + 'px' } ) } //end responsive image change } } //container fix self.zoomContainer.css( { top: self.nzOffset.top } ); self.zoomContainer.css( { left: self.nzOffset.left } ); self.mouseLeft = parseInt( e.pageX - self.nzOffset.left ); self.mouseTop = parseInt( e.pageY - self.nzOffset.top ); //calculate the Location of the Lens //calculate the bound regions - but only if zoom window if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.Etoppos = ( self.mouseTop < ( self.zoomLens.height() / 2 ) ); self.Eboppos = ( self.mouseTop > self.nzHeight - ( self.zoomLens.height() / 2 ) - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ); self.Eloppos = ( self.mouseLeft < 0 + ( ( self.zoomLens.width() / 2 ) ) ); self.Eroppos = ( self.mouseLeft > ( self.nzWidth - ( self.zoomLens.width() / 2 ) - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ) ); } //calculate the bound regions - but only for inner zoom if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.Etoppos = ( self.mouseTop < ( ( self.nzHeight / 2 ) / self.heightRatio ) ); self.Eboppos = ( self.mouseTop > ( self.nzHeight - ( ( self.nzHeight / 2 ) / self.heightRatio ) ) ); self.Eloppos = ( self.mouseLeft < 0 + ( ( ( self.nzWidth / 2 ) / self.widthRatio ) ) ); self.Eroppos = ( self.mouseLeft > ( self.nzWidth - ( self.nzWidth / 2 ) / self.widthRatio - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ) ); } // if the mouse position of the slider is one of the outerbounds, then hide window and lens if ( self.mouseLeft < 0 || self.mouseTop < 0 || self.mouseLeft > self.nzWidth || self.mouseTop > self.nzHeight ) { self.setElements( "hide" ); return; } //else continue with operations else { //lens options if ( self.options.showLens ) { // self.showHideLens("show"); //set background position of lens self.lensLeftPos = String( Math.floor( self.mouseLeft - self.zoomLens.width() / 2 ) ); self.lensTopPos = String( Math.floor( self.mouseTop - self.zoomLens.height() / 2 ) ); } //adjust the background position if the mouse is in one of the outer regions //Top region if ( self.Etoppos ) { self.lensTopPos = 0; } //Left Region if ( self.Eloppos ) { self.windowLeftPos = 0; self.lensLeftPos = 0; self.tintpos = 0; } //Set bottom and right region for window mode if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { if ( self.Eboppos ) { self.lensTopPos = Math.max( ( self.nzHeight ) - self.zoomLens.height() - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ), 0 ); } if ( self.Eroppos ) { self.lensLeftPos = ( self.nzWidth - ( self.zoomLens.width() ) - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ); } } //Set bottom and right region for inner mode if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { if ( self.Eboppos ) { self.lensTopPos = Math.max( ( ( self.nzHeight ) - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ), 0 ); } if ( self.Eroppos ) { self.lensLeftPos = ( self.nzWidth - ( self.nzWidth ) - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ); } } //if lens zoom if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.windowLeftPos = String( ( ( e.pageX - self.nzOffset.left ) * self.widthRatio - self.zoomLens.width() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); self.windowTopPos = String( ( ( e.pageY - self.nzOffset.top ) * self.heightRatio - self.zoomLens.height() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); self.zoomLens.css( { backgroundPosition: self.windowLeftPos + 'px ' + self.windowTopPos + 'px' } ); if ( self.changeBgSize ) { if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } else { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } self.changeBgSize = false; } self.setWindowPostition( e ); } //if tint zoom if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.setTintPosition( e ); } //set the css background position if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.setWindowPostition( e ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.setWindowPostition( e ); } if ( self.options.showLens ) { if ( self.fullwidth && self.options.zoomType != "lens" ) { self.lensLeftPos = 0; } self.zoomLens.css( { left: self.lensLeftPos + 'px', top: self.lensTopPos + 'px' } ) } } //end else }, showHideWindow: function ( change ) { var self = this; if ( change == "show" ) { if ( !self.isWindowActive ) { if ( self.options.zoomWindowFadeIn ) { self.zoomWindow.stop( true, true, false ).fadeIn( self.options.zoomWindowFadeIn ); } else { self.zoomWindow.show(); } self.isWindowActive = true; } } if ( change == "hide" ) { if ( self.isWindowActive ) { if ( self.options.zoomWindowFadeOut ) { self.zoomWindow.stop( true, true ).fadeOut( self.options.zoomWindowFadeOut, function () { if ( self.loop ) { //stop moving the zoom window when zoom window is faded out clearInterval( self.loop ); self.loop = false; } } ); } else { self.zoomWindow.hide(); } self.isWindowActive = false; } } }, showHideLens: function ( change ) { var self = this; if ( change == "show" ) { if ( !self.isLensActive ) { if ( self.options.lensFadeIn ) { self.zoomLens.stop( true, true, false ).fadeIn( self.options.lensFadeIn ); } else { self.zoomLens.show(); } self.isLensActive = true; } } if ( change == "hide" ) { if ( self.isLensActive ) { if ( self.options.lensFadeOut ) { self.zoomLens.stop( true, true ).fadeOut( self.options.lensFadeOut ); } else { self.zoomLens.hide(); } self.isLensActive = false; } } }, showHideTint: function ( change ) { var self = this; if ( change == "show" ) { if ( !self.isTintActive ) { if ( self.options.zoomTintFadeIn ) { self.zoomTint.css( { opacity: self.options.tintOpacity } ).animate().stop( true, true ).fadeIn( "slow" ); } else { self.zoomTint.css( { opacity: self.options.tintOpacity } ).animate(); self.zoomTint.show(); } self.isTintActive = true; } } if ( change == "hide" ) { if ( self.isTintActive ) { if ( self.options.zoomTintFadeOut ) { self.zoomTint.stop( true, true ).fadeOut( self.options.zoomTintFadeOut ); } else { self.zoomTint.hide(); } self.isTintActive = false; } } }, setLensPostition: function ( e ) { }, setWindowPostition: function ( e ) { //return obj.slice( 0, count ); var self = this; if ( !isNaN( self.options.zoomWindowPosition ) ) { switch ( self.options.zoomWindowPosition ) { case 1: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.options.zoomWindowOffety );//DONE - 1 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( +self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 break; case 2: if ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight > self.nzHeight ) { //positive margin self.windowOffsetTop = ( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / 2 ) - ( self.nzHeight / 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 } else { //negative margin } break; case 3: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight - self.zoomWindow.height() - ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ); //DONE 3,9 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 break; case 4: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight ); //DONE - 4,5,6,7,8 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 break; case 5: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight ); //DONE - 4,5,6,7,8 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth - self.zoomWindow.width() - ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ); //DONE - 5,15 break; case 6: if ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight > self.nzHeight ) { //positive margin self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight ); //DONE - 4,5,6,7,8 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 ) - ( self.nzWidth / 2 ) + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); } else { //negative margin } break; case 7: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight ); //DONE - 4,5,6,7,8 self.windowOffsetLeft = 0; //DONE 7, 13 break; case 8: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight ); //DONE - 4,5,6,7,8 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.zoomWindow.width() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 8,9,10,11,12 break; case 9: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.nzHeight - self.zoomWindow.height() - ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ); //DONE 3,9 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.zoomWindow.width() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 8,9,10,11,12 break; case 10: if ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight > self.nzHeight ) { //positive margin self.windowOffsetTop = ( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / 2 ) - ( self.nzHeight / 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.zoomWindow.width() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 8,9,10,11,12 } else { //negative margin } break; case 11: self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.options.zoomWindowOffety ); self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.zoomWindow.width() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 8,9,10,11,12 break; case 12: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.zoomWindow.height() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 12,13,14,15,16 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.zoomWindow.width() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 8,9,10,11,12 break; case 13: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.zoomWindow.height() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 12,13,14,15,16 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( 0 ); //DONE 7, 13 break; case 14: if ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight > self.nzHeight ) { //positive margin self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.zoomWindow.height() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 12,13,14,15,16 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 ) - ( self.nzWidth / 2 ) + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); } else { //negative margin } break; case 15://done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.zoomWindow.height() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 12,13,14,15,16 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth - self.zoomWindow.width() - ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ); //DONE - 5,15 break; case 16: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.zoomWindow.height() + ( self.options.borderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); //DONE 12,13,14,15,16 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 break; default: //done self.windowOffsetTop = ( self.options.zoomWindowOffety );//DONE - 1 self.windowOffsetLeft = ( self.nzWidth ); //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 } } //end isNAN else { //WE CAN POSITION IN A CLASS - ASSUME THAT ANY STRING PASSED IS self.externalContainer = $( '#' + self.options.zoomWindowPosition ); self.externalContainerWidth = self.externalContainer.width(); self.externalContainerHeight = self.externalContainer.height(); self.externalContainerOffset = self.externalContainer.offset(); self.windowOffsetTop = self.externalContainerOffset.top;//DONE - 1 self.windowOffsetLeft = self.externalContainerOffset.left; //DONE 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 } self.isWindowSet = true; self.windowOffsetTop = self.windowOffsetTop + self.options.zoomWindowOffety; self.windowOffsetLeft = self.windowOffsetLeft + self.options.zoomWindowOffetx; self.zoomWindow.css( { top: self.windowOffsetTop } ); self.zoomWindow.css( { left: self.windowOffsetLeft } ); if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { top: 0 } ); self.zoomWindow.css( { left: 0 } ); } self.windowLeftPos = String( ( ( e.pageX - self.nzOffset.left ) * self.widthRatio - self.zoomWindow.width() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); self.windowTopPos = String( ( ( e.pageY - self.nzOffset.top ) * self.heightRatio - self.zoomWindow.height() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); if ( self.Etoppos ) { self.windowTopPos = 0; } if ( self.Eloppos ) { self.windowLeftPos = 0; } if ( self.Eboppos ) { self.windowTopPos = ( self.largeHeight / self.currentZoomLevel - self.zoomWindow.height() ) * ( -1 ); } if ( self.Eroppos ) { self.windowLeftPos = ( ( self.largeWidth / self.currentZoomLevel - self.zoomWindow.width() ) * ( -1 ) ); } //stops micro movements if ( self.fullheight ) { self.windowTopPos = 0; } if ( self.fullwidth ) { self.windowLeftPos = 0; } //set the css background position if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" || self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { if ( self.zoomLock == 1 ) { //overrides for images not zoomable if ( self.widthRatio <= 1 ) { self.windowLeftPos = 0; } if ( self.heightRatio <= 1 ) { self.windowTopPos = 0; } } // adjust images less than the window height if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { if ( self.largeHeight < self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) { self.windowTopPos = 0; } if ( self.largeWidth < self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) { self.windowLeftPos = 0; } } //set the zoomwindow background position if ( self.options.easing ) { // if(self.changeZoom){ // clearInterval(self.loop); // self.changeZoom = false; // self.loop = false; // } //set the pos to 0 if not set if ( !self.xp ) { self.xp = 0; } if ( !self.yp ) { self.yp = 0; } //if loop not already started, then run it if ( !self.loop ) { self.loop = setInterval( function () { //using zeno's paradox self.xp += ( self.windowLeftPos - self.xp ) / self.options.easingAmount; self.yp += ( self.windowTopPos - self.yp ) / self.options.easingAmount; if ( self.scrollingLock ) { clearInterval( self.loop ); self.xp = self.windowLeftPos; self.yp = self.windowTopPos self.xp = ( ( e.pageX - self.nzOffset.left ) * self.widthRatio - self.zoomWindow.width() / 2 ) * ( -1 ); self.yp = ( ( ( e.pageY - self.nzOffset.top ) * self.heightRatio - self.zoomWindow.height() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); if ( self.changeBgSize ) { if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } else { if ( self.options.zoomType != "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } /* if(!self.bgxp){self.bgxp = self.largeWidth/self.newvalue;} if(!self.bgyp){self.bgyp = self.largeHeight/self.newvalue ;} if (!self.bgloop){ self.bgloop = setInterval(function(){ self.bgxp += (self.largeWidth/self.newvalue - self.bgxp) / self.options.easingAmount; self.bgyp += (self.largeHeight/self.newvalue - self.bgyp) / self.options.easingAmount; self.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": self.bgxp + 'px ' + self.bgyp + 'px' }); }, 16); } */ self.changeBgSize = false; } self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundPosition: self.windowLeftPos + 'px ' + self.windowTopPos + 'px' } ); self.scrollingLock = false; self.loop = false; } else if ( Math.round( Math.abs( self.xp - self.windowLeftPos ) + Math.abs( self.yp - self.windowTopPos ) ) < 1 ) { //stops micro movements clearInterval( self.loop ); self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundPosition: self.windowLeftPos + 'px ' + self.windowTopPos + 'px' } ); self.loop = false; } else { if ( self.changeBgSize ) { if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } else { if ( self.options.zoomType != "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } self.changeBgSize = false; } self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundPosition: self.xp + 'px ' + self.yp + 'px' } ); } }, 16 ); } } else { if ( self.changeBgSize ) { if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } else { if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } if ( ( self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth ) < self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvaluewidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvaluewidth + 'px' } ); } else { self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth / self.newvalueheight + 'px ' + self.largeHeight / self.newvalueheight + 'px' } ); } } self.changeBgSize = false; } self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundPosition: self.windowLeftPos + 'px ' + self.windowTopPos + 'px' } ); } } }, setTintPosition: function ( e ) { var self = this; self.nzOffset = self.$elem.offset(); self.tintpos = String( ( ( e.pageX - self.nzOffset.left ) - ( self.zoomLens.width() / 2 ) ) * ( -1 ) ); self.tintposy = String( ( ( e.pageY - self.nzOffset.top ) - self.zoomLens.height() / 2 ) * ( -1 ) ); if ( self.Etoppos ) { self.tintposy = 0; } if ( self.Eloppos ) { self.tintpos = 0; } if ( self.Eboppos ) { self.tintposy = ( self.nzHeight - self.zoomLens.height() - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ); } if ( self.Eroppos ) { self.tintpos = ( ( self.nzWidth - self.zoomLens.width() - ( self.options.lensBorderSize * 2 ) ) * ( -1 ) ); } if ( self.options.tint ) { //stops micro movements if ( self.fullheight ) { self.tintposy = 0; } if ( self.fullwidth ) { self.tintpos = 0; } self.zoomTintImage.css( { 'left': self.tintpos + 'px' } ); self.zoomTintImage.css( { 'top': self.tintposy + 'px' } ); } }, swaptheimage: function ( smallimage, largeimage ) { var self = this; var newImg = new Image(); if ( self.options.loadingIcon ) { self.spinner = $( '
' ); self.$elem.after( self.spinner ); } self.options.onImageSwap( self.$elem ); newImg.onload = function () { self.largeWidth = newImg.width; self.largeHeight = newImg.height; self.zoomImage = largeimage; self.zoomWindow.css( { "background-size": self.largeWidth + 'px ' + self.largeHeight + 'px' } ); self.swapAction( smallimage, largeimage ); return; } newImg.src = largeimage; // this must be done AFTER setting onload }, swapAction: function ( smallimage, largeimage ) { var self = this; var newImg2 = new Image(); newImg2.onload = function () { //re-calculate values self.nzHeight = newImg2.height; self.nzWidth = newImg2.width; self.options.onImageSwapComplete( self.$elem ); self.doneCallback(); return; } newImg2.src = smallimage; //reset the zoomlevel to that initially set in options self.currentZoomLevel = self.options.zoomLevel; self.options.maxZoomLevel = false; //swaps the main image //self.$elem.attr("src",smallimage); //swaps the zoom image if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { self.zoomLens.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + largeimage + "')" } ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + largeimage + "')" } ); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWindow.css( { backgroundImage: "url('" + largeimage + "')" } ); } self.currentImage = largeimage; if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { var oldImg = self.$elem; var newImg = oldImg.clone(); self.$elem.attr( "src", smallimage ) self.$elem.after( newImg ); newImg.stop( true ).fadeOut( self.options.imageCrossfade, function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); // if(self.options.zoomType == "inner"){ //remove any attributes on the cloned image so we can resize later self.$elem.width( "auto" ).removeAttr( "width" ); self.$elem.height( "auto" ).removeAttr( "height" ); // } oldImg.fadeIn( self.options.imageCrossfade ); if ( self.options.tint && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { var oldImgTint = self.zoomTintImage; var newImgTint = oldImgTint.clone(); self.zoomTintImage.attr( "src", largeimage ) self.zoomTintImage.after( newImgTint ); newImgTint.stop( true ).fadeOut( self.options.imageCrossfade, function () { $( this ).remove(); } ); oldImgTint.fadeIn( self.options.imageCrossfade ); //self.zoomTintImage.attr("width",elem.data("image")); //resize the tint window self.zoomTint.css( { height: self.$elem.height() } ); self.zoomTint.css( { width: self.$elem.width() } ); } self.zoomContainer.css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomContainer.css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { if ( !self.options.constrainType ) { self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); self.zoomWindow.css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomWindow.css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); } } if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { self.zoomWrap.css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomWrap.css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); } } else { self.$elem.attr( "src", smallimage ); if ( self.options.tint ) { self.zoomTintImage.attr( "src", largeimage ); //self.zoomTintImage.attr("width",elem.data("image")); self.zoomTintImage.attr( "height", self.$elem.height() ); //self.zoomTintImage.attr('src') = elem.data("image"); self.zoomTintImage.css( { height: self.$elem.height() } ); self.zoomTint.css( { height: self.$elem.height() } ); } self.zoomContainer.css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomContainer.css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { self.zoomWrap.css( "height", self.$elem.height() ); self.zoomWrap.css( "width", self.$elem.width() ); } } if ( self.options.constrainType ) { //This will contrain the image proportions if ( self.options.constrainType == "height" ) { self.zoomContainer.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomContainer.css( "width", "auto" ); if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { self.zoomWrap.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomWrap.css( "width", "auto" ); self.constwidth = self.zoomWrap.width(); } else { self.$elem.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.$elem.css( "width", "auto" ); self.constwidth = self.$elem.width(); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "width", self.constwidth ); self.zoomWindow.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomWindow.css( "width", self.constwidth ); } if ( self.options.tint ) { self.tintContainer.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.tintContainer.css( "width", self.constwidth ); self.zoomTint.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomTint.css( "width", self.constwidth ); self.zoomTintImage.css( "height", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomTintImage.css( "width", self.constwidth ); } } if ( self.options.constrainType == "width" ) { self.zoomContainer.css( "height", "auto" ); self.zoomContainer.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); if ( self.options.imageCrossfade ) { self.zoomWrap.css( "height", "auto" ); self.zoomWrap.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); self.constheight = self.zoomWrap.height(); } else { self.$elem.css( "height", "auto" ); self.$elem.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); self.constheight = self.$elem.height(); } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "height", self.constheight ); self.zoomWrap.parent().css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomWindow.css( "height", self.constheight ); self.zoomWindow.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); } if ( self.options.tint ) { self.tintContainer.css( "height", self.constheight ); self.tintContainer.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomTint.css( "height", self.constheight ); self.zoomTint.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); self.zoomTintImage.css( "height", self.constheight ); self.zoomTintImage.css( "width", self.options.constrainSize ); } } } }, doneCallback: function () { var self = this; if ( self.options.loadingIcon ) { self.spinner.hide(); } self.nzOffset = self.$elem.offset(); self.nzWidth = self.$elem.width(); self.nzHeight = self.$elem.height(); // reset the zoomlevel back to default self.currentZoomLevel = self.options.zoomLevel; //ratio of the large to small image self.widthRatio = self.largeWidth / self.nzWidth; self.heightRatio = self.largeHeight / self.nzHeight; //NEED TO ADD THE LENS SIZE FOR ROUND // adjust images less than the window height if ( self.options.zoomType == "window" ) { if ( self.nzHeight < self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) { lensHeight = self.nzHeight; } else { lensHeight = String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.heightRatio ) ) } if ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth < self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) { lensWidth = self.nzWidth; } else { lensWidth = ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ); } if ( self.zoomLens ) { self.zoomLens.css( 'width', lensWidth ); self.zoomLens.css( 'height', lensHeight ); } } }, getCurrentImage: function () { var self = this; return self.zoomImage; }, getGalleryList: function () { var self = this; //loop through the gallery options and set them in list for fancybox self.gallerylist = [ ]; if ( self.options.gallery ) { $( '#' + self.options.gallery + ' a' ).each( function () { var img_src = ''; if ( $( this ).data( "zoom-image" ) ) { img_src = $( this ).data( "zoom-image" ); } else if ( $( this ).data( "image" ) ) { img_src = $( this ).data( "image" ); } //put the current image at the start if ( img_src == self.zoomImage ) { self.gallerylist.unshift( { href: '' + img_src + '', title: $( this ).find( 'img' ).attr( "title" ) } ); } else { self.gallerylist.push( { href: '' + img_src + '', title: $( this ).find( 'img' ).attr( "title" ) } ); } } ); } //if no gallery - return current image else { self.gallerylist.push( { href: '' + self.zoomImage + '', title: $( this ).find( 'img' ).attr( "title" ) } ); } return self.gallerylist; }, changeZoomLevel: function ( value ) { var self = this; //flag a zoom, so can adjust the easing during setPosition self.scrollingLock = true; //round to two decimal places self.newvalue = parseFloat( value ).toFixed( 2 ); newvalue = parseFloat( value ).toFixed( 2 ); //maxwidth & Maxheight of the image maxheightnewvalue = self.largeHeight / ( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight / self.nzHeight ) * self.nzHeight ); maxwidthtnewvalue = self.largeWidth / ( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.nzWidth ) * self.nzWidth ); //calculate new heightratio if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { if ( maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ) { self.heightRatio = ( self.largeHeight / maxheightnewvalue ) / self.nzHeight; self.newvalueheight = maxheightnewvalue; self.fullheight = true; } else { self.heightRatio = ( self.largeHeight / newvalue ) / self.nzHeight; self.newvalueheight = newvalue; self.fullheight = false; } // calculate new width ratio if ( maxwidthtnewvalue <= newvalue ) { self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / maxwidthtnewvalue ) / self.nzWidth; self.newvaluewidth = maxwidthtnewvalue; self.fullwidth = true; } else { self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / newvalue ) / self.nzWidth; self.newvaluewidth = newvalue; self.fullwidth = false; } if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" ) { if ( maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ) { self.fullwidth = true; self.newvaluewidth = maxheightnewvalue; } else { self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / newvalue ) / self.nzWidth; self.newvaluewidth = newvalue; self.fullwidth = false; } } } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { maxheightnewvalue = parseFloat( self.largeHeight / self.nzHeight ).toFixed( 2 ); maxwidthtnewvalue = parseFloat( self.largeWidth / self.nzWidth ).toFixed( 2 ); if ( newvalue > maxheightnewvalue ) { newvalue = maxheightnewvalue; } if ( newvalue > maxwidthtnewvalue ) { newvalue = maxwidthtnewvalue; } if ( maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ) { self.heightRatio = ( self.largeHeight / newvalue ) / self.nzHeight; if ( newvalue > maxheightnewvalue ) { self.newvalueheight = maxheightnewvalue; } else { self.newvalueheight = newvalue; } self.fullheight = true; } else { self.heightRatio = ( self.largeHeight / newvalue ) / self.nzHeight; if ( newvalue > maxheightnewvalue ) { self.newvalueheight = maxheightnewvalue; } else { self.newvalueheight = newvalue; } self.fullheight = false; } if ( maxwidthtnewvalue <= newvalue ) { self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / newvalue ) / self.nzWidth; if ( newvalue > maxwidthtnewvalue ) { self.newvaluewidth = maxwidthtnewvalue; } else { self.newvaluewidth = newvalue; } self.fullwidth = true; } else { self.widthRatio = ( self.largeWidth / newvalue ) / self.nzWidth; self.newvaluewidth = newvalue; self.fullwidth = false; } } //end inner scrcontinue = false; if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { if ( self.nzWidth >= self.nzHeight ) { if ( self.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ) { scrcontinue = true; } else { scrcontinue = false; self.fullheight = true; self.fullwidth = true; } } if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ) { scrcontinue = true; } else { scrcontinue = false; self.fullheight = true; self.fullwidth = true; } } } if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { scrcontinue = true; } if ( scrcontinue ) { self.zoomLock = 0; self.changeZoom = true; //if lens height is less than image height if ( ( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) / self.heightRatio ) <= self.nzHeight ) { self.currentZoomLevel = self.newvalueheight; if ( self.options.zoomType != "lens" && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.changeBgSize = true; self.zoomLens.css( { height: String( ( self.options.zoomWindowHeight ) / self.heightRatio ) + 'px' } ) } if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" || self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.changeBgSize = true; } } if ( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth / self.widthRatio ) <= self.nzWidth ) { if ( self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { if ( self.newvaluewidth > self.newvalueheight ) { self.currentZoomLevel = self.newvaluewidth; } } if ( self.options.zoomType != "lens" && self.options.zoomType != "inner" ) { self.changeBgSize = true; self.zoomLens.css( { width: String( ( self.options.zoomWindowWidth ) / self.widthRatio ) + 'px' } ) } if ( self.options.zoomType == "lens" || self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.changeBgSize = true; } } if ( self.options.zoomType == "inner" ) { self.changeBgSize = true; if ( self.nzWidth > self.nzHeight ) { self.currentZoomLevel = self.newvaluewidth; } if ( self.nzHeight > self.nzWidth ) { self.currentZoomLevel = self.newvaluewidth; } } } //under //sets the boundry change, called in setWindowPos self.setPosition( self.currentLoc ); // }, closeAll: function () { if ( self.zoomWindow ) { self.zoomWindow.hide(); } if ( self.zoomLens ) { self.zoomLens.hide(); } if ( self.zoomTint ) { self.zoomTint.hide(); } }, changeState: function ( value ) { var self = this; if ( value == 'enable' ) { self.options.zoomEnabled = true; } if ( value == 'disable' ) { self.options.zoomEnabled = false; } } }; $.fn.elevateZoom = function ( options ) { return this.each( function () { var elevate = Object.create( ElevateZoom ); elevate.init( options, this ); $.data( this, 'elevateZoom', elevate ); } ); }; $.fn.elevateZoom.options = { zoomActivation: "hover", // Can also be click (PLACEHOLDER FOR NEXT VERSION) zoomEnabled: true, //false disables zoomwindow from showing preloading: 1, //by default, load all the images, if 0, then only load images after activated (PLACEHOLDER FOR NEXT VERSION) zoomLevel: 1, //default zoom level of image scrollZoom: false, //allow zoom on mousewheel, true to activate scrollZoomIncrement: 0.1, //steps of the scrollzoom minZoomLevel: false, maxZoomLevel: false, easing: false, easingAmount: 12, lensSize: 200, zoomWindowWidth: 400, zoomWindowHeight: 400, zoomWindowOffetx: 0, zoomWindowOffety: 0, zoomWindowPosition: 1, zoomWindowBgColour: "#fff", lensFadeIn: false, lensFadeOut: false, debug: false, zoomWindowFadeIn: false, zoomWindowFadeOut: false, zoomWindowAlwaysShow: false, zoomTintFadeIn: false, zoomTintFadeOut: false, borderSize: 4, showLens: true, borderColour: "#888", lensBorderSize: 1, lensBorderColour: "#000", lensShape: "square", //can be "round" zoomType: "window", //window is default, also "lens" available - containLensZoom: false, lensColour: "white", //colour of the lens background lensOpacity: 0.4, //opacity of the lens lenszoom: false, tint: false, //enable the tinting tintColour: "#333", //default tint color, can be anything, red, #ccc, rgb(0,0,0) tintOpacity: 0.4, //opacity of the tint gallery: false, galleryActiveClass: "zoomGalleryActive", imageCrossfade: false, constrainType: false, //width or height constrainSize: false, //in pixels the dimensions you want to constrain on loadingIcon: false, //http://www.example.com/spinner.gif cursor: "default", // user should set to what they want the cursor as, if they have set a click function responsive: true, onComplete: $.noop, onDestroy: function () {}, onZoomedImageLoaded: function () {}, onImageSwap: $.noop, onImageSwapComplete: $.noop }; } )( jQuery, window, document ); // source --> https://nexoinmobiliaria.com.pe/wp-content/plugins/ecommerce-product-catalog/js/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js?ver=5.0.2 /*! Colorbox 1.6.3 license: MIT http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox */ (function(t,e,i){function n(i,n,o){var r=e.createElement(i);return n&&(r.id=Z+n),o&&(r.style.cssText=o),t(r)}function o(){return i.innerHeight?i.innerHeight:t(i).height()}function r(e,i){i!==Object(i)&&(i={}),this.cache={},this.el=e,this.value=function(e){var n;return void 0===this.cache[e]&&(n=t(this.el).attr("data-cbox-"+e),void 0!==n?this.cache[e]=n:void 0!==i[e]?this.cache[e]=i[e]:void 0!==X[e]&&(this.cache[e]=X[e])),this.cache[e]},this.get=function(e){var i=this.value(e);return t.isFunction(i)?i.call(this.el,this):i}}function h(t){var e=W.length,i=(A+t)%e;return 0>i?e+i:i}function a(t,e){return Math.round((/%/.test(t)?("x"===e?E.width():o())/100:1)*parseInt(t,10))}function s(t,e){return t.get("photo")||t.get("photoRegex").test(e)}function l(t,e){return t.get("retinaUrl")&&i.devicePixelRatio>1?e.replace(t.get("photoRegex"),t.get("retinaSuffix")):e}function d(t){"contains"in x[0]&&!x[0].contains(t.target)&&t.target!==v[0]&&(t.stopPropagation(),x.focus())}function c(t){c.str!==t&&(x.add(v).removeClass(c.str).addClass(t),c.str=t)}function g(e){A=0,e&&e!==!1&&"nofollow"!==e?(W=t("."+te).filter(function(){var i=t.data(this,Y),n=new r(this,i);return n.get("rel")===e}),A=W.index(_.el),-1===A&&(W=W.add(_.el),A=W.length-1)):W=t(_.el)}function u(i){t(e).trigger(i),ae.triggerHandler(i)}function f(i){var o;if(!G){if(o=t(i).data(Y),_=new r(i,o),g(_.get("rel")),!$){$=q=!0,c(_.get("className")),x.css({visibility:"hidden",display:"block",opacity:""}),I=n(se,"LoadedContent","width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden"),b.css({width:"",height:""}).append(I),j=T.height()+k.height()+b.outerHeight(!0)-b.height(),D=C.width()+H.width()+b.outerWidth(!0)-b.width(),N=I.outerHeight(!0),z=I.outerWidth(!0);var h=a(_.get("initialWidth"),"x"),s=a(_.get("initialHeight"),"y"),l=_.get("maxWidth"),f=_.get("maxHeight");_.w=Math.max((l!==!1?Math.min(h,a(l,"x")):h)-z-D,0),_.h=Math.max((f!==!1?Math.min(s,a(f,"y")):s)-N-j,0),I.css({width:"",height:_.h}),J.position(),u(ee),_.get("onOpen"),O.add(F).hide(),x.focus(),_.get("trapFocus")&&e.addEventListener&&(e.addEventListener("focus",d,!0),ae.one(re,function(){e.removeEventListener("focus",d,!0)})),_.get("returnFocus")&&ae.one(re,function(){t(_.el).focus()})}var p=parseFloat(_.get("opacity"));v.css({opacity:p===p?p:"",cursor:_.get("overlayClose")?"pointer":"",visibility:"visible"}).show(),_.get("closeButton")?B.html(_.get("close")).appendTo(b):B.appendTo("
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